
Crash simulation is used by automobile makers during CAE analysis for crashworthiness in the CAD process while modeling new cars. IWOVS provides support to European customers with comprehensive CAE development services for crash behavior in complete vehicles. In doing so, it integrates local and safety guidelines and consumer tests such as the Euro NCAPs, China NCAPs, USNCAPs and takes them into account during the development process. Such simulations also help determine the frontal, rear and side impacts or roof structure during such collisions.


  • We assists OEMs and suppliers with comprehensive CAE development services for crash behaviour in complete vehicles. In doing so, it integrates local and safety guidelines and consumer tests such as the US and Euro NCAPs and takes them into account during the development process. .
  • Front crash in compliance with UN R137, UN R94, FMVSS 208,Euro-NCAP, MPDB, USNCAP, OMDB, IIHS-SOL
  • Side crash in compliance with UN R135, UN R95, FMVSS 214,AEMDB, Euro-Pole, US-MDB, US-Pole, IIHS
  • Rear crash in compliance with UN R34, FMVSS 301
  • Pendel simulations in compliance with ECE R42 and Part581
  • RCAR-Front/Rear
  • Test validation
  • We calculates, analyses and simulates the energies and structure deformations produced by a crash and their effects. The specific FE analysis used is able to map non-linearity with regard to material and material behaviour, large deformations, contacts and other factors in a realistic way.

Crash Simulation: Complete Vehicles

Requirements include the following:

Comparison of test and simulation findings

When a comparison is required between test and simulation findings, Thanks to our excellent expertise, we are able to achieve the best possible results during validation. In this way, we are able to reduce correlations to a necessary minimum.

CAE delivers its greatest benefit at early stages in product development. Starting from the pre-development and conceptual design stages, we offer reliable calculations and analyses which advance development in the right direction. Front crash in compliance with UN R137, UN R94, FMVSS 208, Euro-NCAP, MPDB, USNCAP, OMDB, IIHS-SOL.

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